I’ve asked some of my past couples for their top wedding tips to help you out..
“Percy Pigs! If you’ve got kids in your wedding party this are a godsend. Make sure a few people who are sat near the kids have Percys (or other sweets/food) to hand to keep them quiet in the ceremony”
“Ask your caterer/wedding co-ordinator to make you both up a plate of canapés for you to have after your wedding portraits. It’s also a good chance to tuck yourselves away together while you eat them so you can have a bit of time together”
“Everyone will have an opinion on your plans. They will all mean well but never forget that this is your day and you can do exactly what you want”
“Expect rain and anything else will be a bonus!”
“You may think beforehand that it’s a good idea to get a photo taken with every different family combination you can think of…think again! You don’t want to spend your wedding stood in one spot for photos. Enjoy the day instead and you’ll get loads of natural photos”
“Don’t do things to please other people, it’s your wedding and anyone who doesn’t accept your plans for the day isn’t worth worrying about”
“Make sure you enjoy your day! You’ve spent so much time planning it, picking the food and choosing your guest list, be present and enjoy it”
“Spend time with your partner! You’ve just married them but you’ll find you both get pulled in different directions after the ceremony. Stick together as much as you can”
“Ask for help! I was so stubborn and convinced I could do it all myself when really I should’ve reached out to my friends, my family and my wedding suppliers to ask for advice and help.”
“Make a speech! I know it’s not traditional for the bride to stand up and say things but I couldn’t let the day go by without saying my own thank you to my friends and family…and of course say some lovely things about my new husband!”